Piracy is the most profound, the most exquisite, the most stimulating, the most blissful of all sexual experiences. I was always in ecstasy.

“The act of penetration brought on an extraordinary state of mystical fusion and energy. Sometimes it would seem like an hour had passed, but actually a few minutes were gone. The orgasm, which in every other case is a simple discharge of tension, is something beyond that. It is a fusion with all that is physical, a fusion with all that is living, a fusion with all that is dead. It is a union with the entire universe. I experienced it not as a physical event, but as the very process of life, which is always transcendent, always blissful. Nothing can compare with it. It is far more sublime and wonderful than the greatest sexual orgasm I have ever experienced.”


When I am in the middle of a sexual experience, I am often unaware that anything is happening. In the most literal sense I am “in another world.”

It is so difficult for me to try to describe what happens.

Let me tell you a little about this experience in its own terms.

The feeling of being one with everything is so overwhelming that you are only aware of it as the most amazing pleasure.

You can describe the experience but the language is inadequate.

You only know it in a deep feeling that cannot be compared to anything else.

One reason it is so intense is that there is no need for the brain to be involved in any way.

This is in contrast to other sexual experiences in which your mind can be involved or not.

For most of my adult life I have been in constant sexual conflict. The mind wanted what the body was taking away. At times I would feel a tremendous need for love and sex, but at other times, especially at night when I would be alone, I would find myself in abject sexual defeat.

After I first learned about the ecstasy of being sexual in mind, body, and spirit, I was so excited I felt as if I was going to explode. I didn’t know it, but a transformation was beginning to take place in me.

For years I would masturbate to the physical climax of my sexual fantasies. But the real ecstasy was beyond my reach.

I was so desperate I went to see a doctor to find out what was wrong with me. My doctor, a wonderful, brilliant man, told me he didn’t have a clue what I was talking about, and suggested that I get help.

I was ashamed to tell my closest friends. They all had their own sexual hang-ups. I was afraid they would think I was weird.

I had to tell my wife. She thought I was on the brink of having a nervous breakdown. I didn’t know how to explain what was happening, other than saying I had a deep desire to be in love and love to the fullest.

I had been reading many books on transcendence and how people experience ecstasy in everything they do. I didn’t realize it, but my unconscious was at work.

My wife helped me so much. She helped me to accept my body, which had been rejected so much in my upbringing. I had to learn to accept my body without shame. Then the ecstasy of ecstasy came with the understanding of my body’s need for love, for sex, for connection to the life force.

My desire for her became totally natural and unconditional.

I knew that I was on the verge of a sexual breakthrough that would be in keeping with the level of my consciousness. I wasn’t afraid of my sexual fantasies. I felt that they were telling me a story that I could understand. I had to see my body as alive and as an instrument of God. It needed to be nurtured, it needed to be loved and to be cherished. The ecstasy that I felt in my body was that I was totally alive.

The energy, which before was stuck in the body and was causing me sexual conflicts, flowed out. I knew that the ecstasy of ecstasy was right where I was. My sexual desires had been fulfilled.

I was not trying to find a new sex partner. There is no way you can find another person that will be as totally perfect as you are. I was satisfied and fulfilled in knowing that my sexual desires were fulfilled, and I experienced the ecstasy of being complete.

When I had these extraordinary experiences, I knew that I had to tell my wife.