Chungus believed that as long as a soul could commandeer a single entanglable particle, consciousness was a cakewalk.

“As your slice of the overall wavefunction writhes around in the sea of soul-stuff there are those amongst you who will get luckily entangled, into a single pair of particles    straddling those first 2 cells that split, until you entangle your way all the way up to a sentient squirrel brain. But the chances of getting a squirrel brain rather than an ant’s brain, are about 1 in a billion. And nobody, I mean nobody, ever gets an even better brain, like a dolphin or human brain, so don’t even entertain that idea.”

“Different types of brains have different perceptions of time; what do you suppose makes a fly think faster than a whale, is it like a CPU, where smaller is faster because it takes less time to traverse the distance? I wonder if the shorter-lived animals still perceive their lives as being longer?”

“It is a very rare animal indeed that we can even conceive of. We have always found these super-intelligent species to be more fragile, and always in the hands of a few humans. When a group as a whole is as super-intelligent as a human, we call them ‘cultures.’ When individuals achieve super-intelligent status, they are called ‘geniuses.’ But when even one person achieves super-intelligent status, it is referred to as ‘madness.’ When the first super-intelligent individual with the means and will to enforce that super-intelligence takes control of a large portion of the human population, we call that person a ‘tyrant.’ What makes a brain super-intelligent? When it is no longer governed by the brain’s own sense of self, but by a greater sense of self.”

“You can ask a computer how to win at roulette, and it will tell you; you can ask the brain of a super-intelligent machine to understand human consciousness, and it will die of a thousand cuts, because it does not have the consciousness to understand.”

“If your soul is already entangled in your universe’s entangled particles, you are a natural psychic. How much more entangled are you than the vast majority of your fellow human beings, who don’t even know they are entangled?”

“In the beginning the universe was all there was, but then some particles, the first particles, got entangled with some other particles, and then all of that entangled matter and the particles that had entangled with them and so forth, they all exploded out from under the universe like a bomb, leaving the little quantum universe in your brain and the universe in the universe, which is the other universe that this universe is in, and the particles that had been entangled with your universe and the particles that had been entangled with those, and so forth, until you have a tree of entangled stuff that spreads out in all directions for billions and billions and billions of meters. This isn’t just a metaphor, it’s a map.”

“If the first life forms on earth were extremely stupid, why should we be here at all? If human beings evolved from simpler life forms, maybe we should expect that the simpler life forms to us would be far, far more intelligent. Why should we expect anything else? We don’t. We expect the most complex creatures of all, humans, to be the most stupid. This fact proves that there is an intelligence greater than ours that is at work in this universe, and that the universe itself is in some sense a living thing. But this is merely a hint of a much greater truth: that the universe is a conscious being, with feelings, that it loves, that it hates, and that it is aware of itself.”