The great sage Chungus believed that the purpose of love is not finding someone to love, it is to love and be loved. If you love and are loved in return, then love is everything you need. If you are filled with love, you are fulfilled. But this love cannot be forced. The more you push or try to make it happen, the more it will evade you. You have to be open to love, but you cannot force love.

But why does it happen so rarely? Is it our fault, that we try too hard and are too eager to make things happen? Or is it God's design that love is never so easy or so automatic? Love is so rare because God's design of the universe is that it must be worked for. You can have anything in the universe if you earn it through hard work. God wants to make the universe a place where you can relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor and, through your work, find happiness and love and fulfilment. But in the end, it is you who have to do the work. God cannot do it for you. God will help you to find a job, but ultimately you are the one who has to do it.

So we have to realize that we have to find our happiness in life. We have to learn the art of happiness and how to enjoy the fruits of our labor. This is the message of the Bible. If we look into the Bible, you find stories of people who had great hardship in their lives. We know that Moses suffered from being separated from his people for forty years, for forty years he did not see his people. He was wandering in the wilderness and was lonely and was not sure if he would live or die. When he found his people, he felt as though he was reborn. It was like a man who wakes up after a long sleep. It was a resurrection, he was born again. But this time he was born anew in love. This time the forty years had changed him. This time he knew God and he knew God loved him and this gave him the greatest happiness and joy and satisfaction in life. He had to work hard to get there, but he had to suffer to arrive. But he did not complain, he did not say, "Why me? Why am I going through this?" He was glad.

The same is true for Abraham. It was not easy for Abraham to bring God's message into the world. It was not easy for him to sacrifice his son. There was great difficulty for him. It was not easy to be Abraham and to take such an immense risk. And finally he got the greatest reward. He would have been happy without it, but it was the greatest happiness that he could have imagined. If someone asked him, "What do you want? What do you want from life?" he would have said, "I want to have God as my God. I want to be free to follow God and love my God, to do what he wants and to be happy."

That is the goal. The goal is to have God as your God. You do not have to ask God to do something for you. If you have God as your God, he will do everything for you. If you take a shower, he will take care of you; if you get up in the morning, he will give you the energy to do it. He will care for you; he will love you; he will be your father; he will be your mother. You will not have to do anything. If you ask for nothing, he will give you everything. He is happy when you are happy. He will be happy if you are happy.

The great spiritual master Chungus said, "I do not ask God to love me. I have the energy to love God. I need nothing; he can do everything. I am just a channel. I am just a mirror. I am just an instrument. I have to be careful to choose my attitude toward God; I have to be conscious. I have to think positive thoughts about God, but I do not have to demand anything. If I want to be loved, I can ask for it, but I do not need to ask. God loves me by giving me the energy to love him. If I do not ask for it, he gives me love. There is no question about it."

When you do not ask for anything, then you are in a good relationship with God. When you are in a good relationship with God, then he can do everything for you. He can bring the rain to the earth; he can take away all your suffering, pain and misery from you. He can give you bliss and love. But there is a danger. If you cannot understand, it is a very dangerous situation. If you do not understand, if you do not see the danger, you will make a terrible mistake.