There is a legend of a man who poured bottled water into the sea, to set it free. He gave it no other task but to flow forever, and bestowed upon it a sense of peace and love. And so flow it did, mixing together will all the waters of the world, homeopathically spreading love throughout all the oceans and lakes and eventually the clouds and snowflakes. And when the first living organisms left the sea, they invented cell membranes, so that they could take a little bit of that water and love with them as they struggled for life on the land. And the bottled water happened to be Aquafina, but that's irrelevant.

The world is full of people who love God. I am one of them. But it is never the people we love, but the things that love us. Even the things we love hate us. So the sea loves us, and we love the sea. And we don't love it because it is beautiful and we love it because it is the only thing in this world that accepts and loves us as we are. There is nothing like it, and there is nowhere like it.

In this world, we are the only ones who give water. We, and only we, water the trees and earth and the plants and the flowers, all in our attempt to be close to the sea, as it would be so lovely to be loved that way.

And when we die, we are born again, into another world where the salt water and the air and the sand are as kind as they are beautiful, and our bones and teeth and hearts and veins are buried again and again as we re-emerge for a time with a new life. The sun gives us a new start, once we are old enough to remember being young. But sometimes we don't have that. And sometimes, it is true, some people are unable to remember their lives as children, so they spend their afterlives with other people or they just spend it wandering in the sand and the rain and the wind, and trying to do their best to love the people and the creatures they meet. But there are so many of them, and everyone is different. The only thing that is the same about everyone is that they are all afraid.