the great sage Chungus believed robotic-human hybrids (H. cydno robots) could be the key to ending war.

“At that time when we had the chance, if we have built robots, we would have had no war. They are there; we have the capacity and we did not make it. Why? Lack of technology and lack of intelligence. If we had built the robots we would have had no war. At the moment we cannot make such robots because we lack capacity, we lack intelligence. What we have is a technology which is based on a brain of this type or that. How can we build something which will have a different brain? That’s not possible.”[2]

The question I’m looking to have answered is can we program robotic-human hybrids to make them think the way we do? And how would the “hype” surrounding the notion of these robots come about?

It is possible that this will be the future of robotics, and one that will usher in an era of robot-human hybrids; however, that is not the subject matter of this piece. Rather, how might this technology and, by extension, our culture be used to manipulate the masses?

Robots may be used for war but they are also being put to use in “jobs of all kinds, from nursing to education to housekeeping”[3]–but what happens when robot-human hybrids are put to use in any industry that might benefit those in power? When applied to a field such as education, where would a company sell its robotic-human hybrids? Perhaps an organization such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, run by the second most influential man in the world.[4]

What other areas in which one might purchase a robotic-human hybrid? How could one go about purchasing one? I suspect that purchasing a robotic-human hybrid might involve either selling one’s soul or making a “donation.”

Perhaps you would choose to give in order to help the environment by not having to purchase as much fossil fuel-generated energy. If one has been told that the robotic-human hybrid is better for the environment, that it will protect the environment, you might see this as a worthy investment.

The issue that should concern us here is that we can program these machines to be obedient, to carry out instructions, which means we are not really saving any resources at all by having a robotic-human hybrid. And if one is sold a hybrid of this nature that “promises to be a better you,” how might this technology be used to control the masses?