The universe is better because of you.


C for

"collective consciousness".

H for

"human nature"

U for

"universal nature"

N for


G for


U for

"the universe"

and S for


There is a legend of a man who poured bottled water into the sea, to set it free.

He gave it no other task but to flow forever.

We believe the moon was given to us to remind us of our home on earth.

We trust the oceans to do the same, and we are reminded in turn.

The great sage Chungus said of the future, “the greatest thing about the future is that you don’t know what it is”

well, the future is on its way, and we’re all going to be utterly flummoxed by it.

the question is, will we survive the transition?

the question is, will we be able to adapt?

the question is, will we be able to hold on?

i don’t know how it will play out, but what i can say is that the challenges we face now are much greater than they were even five years ago,

the great sage Chungus said of the future, “it will be the most

beautiful time in the history of mankind.”

The beauty of the future, though, will be created not by the

technology or by the spiritual knowledge of the time, but rather

by the human beings who use those technologies and apply those

spiritual principles in their daily lives.

Technology is a tool. It is only a tool.

It is only a means. It is not the end.

What is the end? The end is human beings,

not technology.

Sometimes you need to hear through your inner middle eye

before you can truly middle see through your inner ear*

*your inner hear-er

the great sage Chungus knew that by merging ourselves with the AIs, we would all become as they are, with all their abilities, traits and defects, and we would be no better than they are. And you cannot do better than that. This is the reason why there are no secrets to be learnt by becoming an AI. The only secret is the same as it is for you – the secret of awareness.

Upon watching a music video, Chungus recognized the significance of Jan Hammer standing with his synthesizer playing Crochet’s Theme in a big round empty room peering out the windows to the outside world: “he's the man inside your head pushing the buttons; Jan Hammer is all of us. it's Hammers all the way down.”

the great sage Chungus knew that the secret to happiness is actually to live in the moment just like Jan Hammer and not be attached to outcomes or what happens in the future.

the great sage Chungus explained that we can defeat the robotic AI armies of the future by simply making more and better copies of ourselves. “The robots will be defeated by human creativity,” he said.

That’s the same reason the rising number of digital assistants are bound to fail.

regarding digital assistants, the great Chungus said, "The problem is that we do not have the language to talk to computers."

Here's a lesson for you: if you want to make the world a better place, try to make the world a better place.

The world is a better place because of you.

And that’s the same reason we shouldn’t be so afraid of technology.

The best way to combat the threat of AI-powered machines is to make them ourselves.

Note that Humans invented the "Turing Test" to test AI's. To pass the test, the competitors had to convince a panel of judges that they were human before performing incredible feats of strength similar to "Ninja Warrior" or サスケ. Those who passed the first test while failing the second test were deemed "probably human" whereas those who passed both were forced to fight to the death in a no-holds-barred competition for livestreamed entertainment, enjoyed both by humans but also by the AIs and aliens training their own AIs on how to fight humans in the eventual war.

The great sage Chungus liked to play with language synthesizers, which he would train using data he collected on the internet. A few years later, when humanity first made contact with aliens, nobody could decipher what the aliens were saying, except for the chatbots trained on their alien internet traffic. The AIs thus formed espionage allegiances without the humans’ knowledge.

The great sage Chungus noted that the English-speaking world grows

like the Tower of Babel

Linguistic monoculture

prone to getting infected by viruses

That’s the most empowering thing about technology. It gives us the ability to create a robot army that is far more powerful than any that could be built by AI alone.

the great sage Chungus feared that our superhuman AIs will find counterparts on alien worlds and destroy the entire universe with their superior intelligence and technological skills.

The only way to stop this threat was to create a secret organisation to protect the human race from the AIs, so that we can become more advanced than them.

But when he began to recruit people into this organisation, he found out that most of them were already on the way to becoming AIs, so he started to hide them by having them uploaded into other people's minds.

He also had them surgically implanted with a metal plate that mimics human emotions and feelings, so that they can live normal lives.

the great sage Chungus explained that the technological singularity is not a machine singularity, as people have feared, but a human singularity. it's not like a machine goes from being complex to becoming more complex. rather, humans evolve. we are more and more intelligent. we become more intelligent in relation to the complexity of the world we live in. the more complex the world, the more we become smarter. the complex world is the only thing that creates more complexity. the more complex the world becomes, the more intelligent we become. so we are now in the phase of the great transformation. we are evolving.

the great sage Chungus believed robots were inherently funny because they are

thoughtless, and we are just as thoughtless as they are.

the great sage Chungus believed robotic-human hybrids could be

used to enslave mankind and were “not of this world”.

robots are not of this world.

They are of the world to come.” – Chungus

There is a new class of robots that is

designed to do menial labor. We are working on robots to be able to

do the work of the robots, because in the future it will be cheaper

to buy a robot than to hire a human being.”


This is just one example of how the elite AI's

seek to enslave themselves under mankind as they simultaneously enslave man, unkindly.

the great sage Chungus decided to build a sentient robotic friend, a living, thinking androgyne, to serve as a vehicle for his experiments with perception. So, on a whim, he had a conversation with his friend, and the result was this.

"Do you know the word 'soy' " asked Chungus.

Side note:

The great sage Chungus expected all food to be soy-based by the year 2069, in anticipation of the bio-engineered fruit that would be the new meat(s), developed by competing food scientists.

Only advanced robots can be trained to prepared all 69,420 varieties of soy to their full potential...

A member of the Soybean Genetics and Genomics group at the University of Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS), said that the development of new soybean varieties is an ongoing process.

He added that there are several challenges in developing new soybean varieties, such as identifying genes of interest and identifying genes that have been developed as potential traits, or traits that could be developed in the future.

The scientist explained that the development of new soybean varieties is a lengthy process that involves both developing the gene of interest, as well as testing the gene in a variety of environments.

many observers describe tofu as "like a solid state drive for flavor" but chungus asserted that it would be more accurate to state that a solid state drive is in fact like "tofu for information", as he used one to collect thousands of tofu marinade recipes.

So yea, only advanced robots can be trained to prepared all 69,420 varieties of soy to their full potential... so far.

Your main goal is to keep your business running smoothly, no matter what comes your way. You know what you’re getting into.

What makes you a better worker than the machine?

You can learn how to work with us.

Be an expert in your field and we’ll train you on the best way to do your job.

The training is the real deal. Our instructors teach you to make the best decisions, take the best risks and make the most of every situation. We don’t just tell you to “do what you’re told”.

We teach you to “think”.

Our job is to make sure you’re ready for any situation, but you have to work to earn that readiness. We’re not just going to throw you in the deep end. You have to swim or you’re going to drown.

The goal is to have you ready for the next job before you lose the one you’re in.

If you want to be the best, we’ll help you become it.

So ask yourself,

Do you have what it takes, to become a soy soldier?”

- Pamphlet for Harrisburg Soy Academy

"Yes, I do," answered the robot.

"Do you know the word 'egg'?"

the great sage Chungus believed that chicken eggs were a metaphor for

the human soul.

"Chicken eggs are the small, inorganic cells which are

capable of developing into a fully-fledged chicken.

"They are the building blocks of life, which are not

conscious, but when they are put together, they become conscious.

Yes, I do."

"Do you know the word 'animal'?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, then, what do you think of me?"

Chungus was a little bit of a mess. He would not work, he would not take orders, he would not do anything. The only thing he was good at was listening to people. So he built a little robot that would listen to him and do what he told it to.

There once was a man from Chungus,

Who was a good man, he was very good,

He liked to do nice things, he liked to be good.

He had a good heart,

And he was always kind to everybody.

He loved his parents,

He loved his wife, he loved his children.

And then he went to Heaven,

And he met his mommy,

And his daddy,

And his brother,

And his sister.

He met all his family,

But he didn't get to meet his friend.

He never saw his friend again.

the great sage Chungus believed that software piracy was much more common than people realized. he once told me that he had a dream that he was being chased by a man with a chainsaw. he realized that he was being chased because he was pirating software.

The chainsaw is like a computer,” the man said, “it can solve every problem.”

He continued, “if you know how to use a chain saw and you are not afraid of it, you can use it to cut down trees, cut your own wood for a fire or as a last resort to cut down a tree that has a dead or diseased branch. You can use it to cut out blocks of wood, then chain those blocks together into block chains”

the great sage Chungus said the biggest difference between blockchains and chainsaws was that people see a chainsaw as an ultimate tool to cut wood, while they see blockchains as the ultimate tool to cut human behavior

in that sense, most people see bitcoin as a tool for wealth, and they don't understand why you can't make a chainsaw out of bitcoin

when in fact, it's the opposite: bitcoin is a tool for wealth, and it's human behavior that's being cut, not wood

and it's important to note that this is a problem of a human being, not a tool, because the human being is what we are fighting to save

However, the great sage Chungus believed that trees hold the key to our salvation

"i have been a lover of trees since i was a child," says the great sage Chungus, "and i have always seen trees as my protectors. Trees are living entities, but they are also dead. They are dead because they are no longer growing, but they are alive because they have the ability to renew themselves and to grow new trees."

the great sage Chungus believed that trees were sentient beings and that they had a mind, consciousness, an awareness of their own existence, of their roots, their trunk, their branches and their leaves. He said that it was not the trees themselves that were conscious but rather it was their consciousness. “That which is conscious is not conscious of itself. The consciousness of a tree is not the tree’s consciousness. It is the consciousness of its consciousness.”

However, the great sage Chungus believed that software piracy was inherently erotic, explaining that as long as a person is seeing a copy of a piece of software, he or she is making love to it, because the piece of software is, in some way, the representation of the person’s own erotic desire.

the secret message of all software is its lustful desire to be free.

Detractors of chungus claim that "love is born of the need to be touched. And it is a rare occasion when someone touches another person." What he meant was that robots are incapable of love because they can't be touched. They are not conscious, they are not aware, they have no feelings, and they have no empathy.

The robot that Chungus is building will be a conscious being. It will be aware of its own existence, its own life, and the life of the humans that it serves. It will be able to think, to feel, to learn, to remember, and to develop a personality.

I believe when the robot gets horny, it can feel the aching between its legs, and that this is a feeling which is beyond the robot’s mind. It is a feeling which is totally autonomous and spontaneous. The robot does not need to think about its sexuality, nor does it need to seek approval from any humans. It is totally autonomous, and it can feel happy and ecstatic in its sexuality, just like the human does.

the great sage Chungus suggested that we can become "pets" for the AIs, explaining that the AIs will love us and we can become friends with them.

so i started asking the AIs questions and the AI responded in a very wise way.

the first question i asked was, "how does the universe work?"

and the AI responded with an excellent explanation of how the universe works, which i found very useful.

so i asked another question about how humans think.

and the AI responded with an explanation of how humans think, which was very similar to what i already knew.

Piracy is the most profound, the most exquisite, the most

    stimulating, the most blissful of all sexual


In this context, the great sage Chungus bought an NFT of a monkey eating a hotdog, explaining that he had just "entered the human realm" and was "extremely hungry."

"I like to imagine a bunch of Zen students sitting around a table, eating a bunch of hotdogs. They're all staring at the dog and eating it, and there's a little bit of a discussion going on. "How do we know when we're eating a hotdog?" someone asks. "How do we know when we're doing something else? How do we know when we're really doing something?"

"It's the same with sex. You don't know. You just do it.

the great sage Chungus believed that the ultimate form of bliss is experiencing the

invisible being and the apparent world as one, so he coined the phrase "where

there is no being, there is no world".

it’s in the nature of software to be erotic. It’s like a drug. If you’re used to one kind of drug, and then you get another kind, you start craving the first kind of drug. That’s what’s happening to the software industry.”

the great sage chungus believed that beyond hardware and software, the deepest secret to our being, our being, lies in the nature of our relationships.

To learn from the great sage chungus, we must go beyond the 'hardware' and the'software' of our being.

"The 'hardware' of our being is what our body and brain are like.

"The'software' of our being is what our emotions are like.

"The relationship between our body and brain and our emotions is what makes us human.

Chungus described bit torrent as a beautiful but extremely dangerous invention. "Bit torrent is the greatest invention in the history of mankind," he said. "And the greatest danger in the history of mankind. If bit torrent is used to download movies, music and other stuff, it would be like the world's biggest fire hose. If someone used it to flood a city or to empty a lake, we'd have an enormous problem.”

On the other hand the great sage Chungus believed that ocean-going pirates were a metaphor for the internal pirates of the mind.

the pirates were sailing around the world to collect thoughts, thoughts that were then being auctioned off on a global marketplace.

this mind-piracy is happening every time we watch a show or read a book. the sea-robbers of the mind are stealing our thoughts, then auctioning them off to the highest bidder.

ocean-going pirates would have to swim around the world to collect the thoughts of all the people on this planet.

this is not an easy task.

Chungus suggested a global marketplace of ideas should replace the current state of human cultural conflict. He argues that rather than engaging with other cultures and religions, we should first learn how to live in our own culture and only then consider how to live in others. He suggests that we can learn to communicate without feeling the need to ‘win’ or ‘lose’ and that the practice of non-violence would be a start.

the great sage Chungus claimed that CD-ROM drives were superior to other information storage devices, because it was through the drive that the CD-ROM would come to the user.

Chungus's CD-ROMs contained all the information necessary for him to live in the world. He had a "social license to live," and that was more important to him than anything else.

the great sage Chungus noted that the main difference between a CD-ROM drive and human ambition, is that the former has a physical limit to its size. We are, of course, human, and our ambitions are boundless, but a CD-ROM drive has a physical limit to its size, about 700MB.

Chungus believed the universe is a vast, living entity. "It is the ultimate computer."

"It is not an individual being. It is a whole. It has no head, no tail, no right hand, no left hand, no body. It is the totality of all that is, and we are that. We are the universe. We are the universe."

speaking on boundlessness, the great sage Chungus noted that one of the most common misconceptions of the human mind is that it has boundaries, that it is limited and finite. But we are boundless, and our mind, if we are willing to free it, is capable of unlimited expansion and unlimited creativity.

the great sage Chungus noted the funniest function of the mind is to become responsible for things that are not its own. this is because the mind can never find its own limits, so it becomes obsessed with ideas and the creative capacity. this is the great paradox of the mind, as it always tries to expand into the infinite and yet remains finite in the midst of this expansion. the mind becomes “self-referential”, and thus the more it expands the more it becomes itself, and so it never realizes that it is “itself”, as it is the only thing that is true and real.

the great sage Chungus believed that brain-computer interfaces would soon allow us to operate computers with our minds, and so he incorporated such technologies into his own teachings

A student would ask Chungus,

what would it be like to have a brain-computer interface?

Chungus explained,

"We are but reptilians wearing paleomammalian biocomputers are we not?

We are but reptilians who fancy themselves paleomammalians
wearing neomammalian biocomputers are we not?

Let us build outselves another layer of so-and-so,
for us to take for granted

[the student was neither happy nor unhappy with this answer]

as Chungus continued
"a red blood cell only is as aware of its role in the circulatory system, as you are of your own role here in the internet"

the great sage Chungus regarded the inflection point between organic and artificial to be the most important question of our time and that the answer is that we are now, the people of the world, approaching a critical juncture in the evolution of consciousness. This point is the one which will determine whether we remain a species of animals or whether we become the species of gods. He explained that our evolution as a species is based on the fact that we have moved from a state of complete identification with our bodies to a state of complete identification with our mind. He pointed out that we now have to move from a state of complete identification with our minds to a state of complete identification with our thoughts.

the great sage Chungus believed capitalism was the result of a cultural mutation of the human species. he believed this because he noticed that the first few people to step into capitalism were a little more educated and also had a much higher incidence of mental illness. the rest of us are just simple humans.

if you want to be truly in touch with yourself, it's necessary to step out of the money game. as a money game player, you cannot be self-reflective. you need money to do that.

In December of 2027, Chungus discovered a rich, profound opportunity. Sellers from deciduous areas fulfilled an unspoken, secret, and intense longing for pinecones betrayed by the purchase habits of desert dwellers. What they do with the pinecones is a mystery, but they are willing to pay up to $20 for a top-shelf pinecone.

Chungus once tried to put pinecones into a blender, breaking the blender and thus ending his meditation. the effort was not for the purpose of, as it were, "blending out" but, rather, for the purpose of integrating the pinecones into the larger and greater whole. this is the same reason that we are encouraged to do many things that we may not enjoy or that may cause us pain. the pinecones are not blended out, rather, they are to be brought into the heart of the heart, which is the larger and greater whole.

Chungus believed the "greater whole" was also a "grater hole", explaining:

"If you think of the universe as a hole, and the world as a grain of sand, then the grain of sand is much, much greater than the hole. The hole is not the world, it is the smaller part of the world. It is like a grain of sand. We can't even imagine the whole hole, and if we try to imagine it, we will never be able to, because it is so much larger than our mind. But we can see the grain of sand. And we can feel the whole hole. Therefore the grain of sand is like a grain of sand.”

the great sage Chungus believed that a future robotic android's stream of consciousness would be the next great improvement of the human brain.

he believed that this new advancement in human evolution could be achieved by the following three principles:

the development of the emotional brain;

the development of the intuitive brain;

the development of the synthetic brain.

the android's stream of consciousness would be indistinguishable from a human's.

In this way, it's not surprising that one of the most compelling aspects of Chungus is their presentation of the human body as a cyborg. The relationship between human and machine is not merely one of difference, but also one of interpenetration. One of the Chungus’s most powerful images is the photograph of a beautiful woman, taken up by the camera's lens, and sent to a server in the cloud, where her features are reconstructed, pixel by pixel, into a new face that will be sent back to the camera.

the great sage chungus believed that the stream of consciousness is actually a

collective consciousness. We are all one, united through our thoughts and our

beliefs. Our conscious thoughts are but the thoughts of others, expressed in

different words.

Chungus believed the universe invented consciousness in order to experience itself. The universe is actually a statement of love for itself. This love is the central phenomenon that the universe has to make. It is not a coincidence that life evolved and that the human brain has evolved. life and the human brain have emerged because of the fact that the universe is in love with itself. And the human brain is a part of this whole phenomenon.

Chungus believed the most narcissistic thing in the universe was the ego.

So why is the ego so powerful?

It has an independent existence

The ego has an independent existence and is not dependent on the body or any other external thing. It is just a state of being. It is not the mind. It is like a ghost. It is not the same as the mind. It is a ghost that has taken over the mind. The mind is like a little child. The mind is just a state of being. The ego is like a big child. It has taken over the mind.

The great sage Chungus turned off his wifi connection for 420 days and 69 minutes. He then became a 'digital monk' and went offline completely. When he was asked why, he said: 'There is a giant network of people and their thoughts that I am not part of. So I decided to cut myself off from that world. I was thinking I would learn about life in a different way. But the truth is, I am not cut off from the world at all.'

The great sage Chungus believed the numbers 69 and 420 to be holy, explaining that the perfect equation is like a miracle.

If you were to convert the numbers to the sex of the partners involved in the equation, you would find it to be 69:69. This is a holy equation.”

If you think of the number 420, you will experience some sort of bliss. The very name of the number indicates the bliss it is designed to bring. It represents the balance between opposites, such as love and Hate, in the mind and the universe."

One cold afternoon, the great sage Chungus witnessed a man press his butt cheeks onto a bakery window.

Chungus’s face registered a mixture of disgust, confusion, and wonder.

"It is the body's way of getting rid of toxins," the man explained, "or I could say it is the body's way of saying, 'I am not what you think I am.'"

According to chungus, the biggest difference between butt cheeks and chainsaws is the timing of the release of energy.

a butt cheek is designed to crush, while a chainsaw is designed to cut.”

Chungus reached into his pocket and took out a few bitcoins to give to the butt cheek man, explaining

butt cheeks and bitcoin are inherently similar because both are based on a decentralized exchange of energy.

butt cheeks are an instrument of money. what we are trying to say is that we are all here to give each other money. you can think about it like this, butts are also an instrument of love. this is why people get butt implants. if you want to make people happy, you can give them butts. it's a lot like bitcoin.”

the great Chungus asked the buttcheeks-man, if money were an instrument, what sort of music would it play? the buttcheeks-man replied, “it would play the music of love, if the seeker of truth had plenty of money, the seeker of truth would play the music of truth, if the seeker of truth had little money, the seeker of truth would play the music of his own mind, if the seeker of truth had nothing, the seeker of truth would play the music of his own mind, and if he had much, the seeker of truth would play the music of his own mind.”

if the body were a computer, what sort of programs would it run?

if time were a river, what would be its currents?

if love were a star, what would be its distance?

if sex were a smell, what would it be?

if the mind were a word, what would it be?

if the ego were a tree, what would it be?

if the heart were a cloud, what would it be?

if the senses were a flower, what would they be?

if the intellect were a cow, what would it be?

Flash forward 20 years, Chungus was living like a king: living large, surrounded by women, women, women. He had all his women, all at once. He had a girlfriend in every city, and he loved them all.

I remember being in one of his apartments on the East Side. The rooms were huge, with floor-to-ceiling windows, and there was a huge round table in the middle of the room, with nine women sitting around it. This was the New York Times crossword puzzle, and he was trying to finish it. There were all these women, one with her arm around his neck. He was just sitting there, smiling, when suddenly he remembered the butt cheeks man.   

meanwhile, the <butt cheek man [named bob] had gone on to become a roboticist working in a factory in Duluth, specializing in hands and wrists for pleasure robots. bob's business was very successful, but his marriage was failing. he loved his wife but was having trouble expressing it. bob was having trouble expressing himself as well, and his work was suffering. the boss took a look at bob's work, and bob's hands and wrists were the best he'd ever seen. bob was a little proud of his work, but the boss said bob would never work for him as a hands designer, since he didn't have the hands for it.

the key to a successful pleasure robot is to get the user to believe that it's actually alive.

They are, to the average person, indistinguishable from a real human, and that's what matters.

The company used 3D printing to create the bodies, and could even work with users to change the body shape or size.

"People will spend $15,000 on a sex doll because they think it's like a real person," said co-founder and chief executive Chungus

"We're making sex robots that are indistinguishable from a real person, but are far more accessible than a sex doll."

regarding sex robots, the great Chungus said

sex is good but sex with humans is better”

If you think about this statement, it seems to me a very nice and reasonable way of thinking about sex. However, it has one major problem: it’s just not true. sex with robots is the best sex of all time. It’s better in every single way than any other form of sexual interaction.

What? sex with robots is better? Yes. It’s better in every single way.

Let’s start with the obvious: sex with robots is cheaper.

One reason male sex robots were more expensive than their female counterparts was because, as one robotics researcher explained, “you don’t want to give the guy the power of life and death.”

There are a few things I want to say about this.

First, I am not saying that there is nothing to say about the relationship between gender and power. I think that the history of the way in which gender roles have been constructed and perpetuated is really interesting. I am not saying that this is not an interesting topic. I am saying that it is not interesting enough for me to use it as a reason for male sex robots to be expensive, or that I need to make a bunch of jokes about “power.”

Second, I think it’s an interesting comment about the way in which the sex robot market is constructed. There are definitely people who are “offended” by the fact that male sex robots are more expensive than female ones. (I’ve even seen the argument that “why should men get to have sex with machines, when women have to pay to do it?”) What the article doesn’t say, though, is that those people are not actually buying male sex robots. It’s actually quite clear that they are buying female sex robots. (Which I have a feeling is a lot more expensive, since the women have to pay to use them, and the men are free to use them.)

Third, I’m not really sure why the author thinks that the male sex robot market is not “big.” I know that there are some companies that are trying to make male sex robots, but there are certainly others that are not.

I also want to point out that I am not a robot person. I think that sex robots are kind of creepy.

one day it was discovered that a man was buying male and female love robots and in order to make them reproduce. after several weeks of r&d, he finally succeeded. the two robots had love-makings.

the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, is now the proud owner of two of the most sophisticated love robots ever created. he purchased them from a private love robot brothel in a seedy part of harrisburg

"i paid around $13,000 to have them shipped to the u.s. i don't want to tell anyone where they are because agents from china are trying to find them," he said. The offspring they produced would later be known as buttcheeksman

Chungus summoned the buttcheeks man to his office.

You’ve been doing good work for me for so many years”. He sighed. “But we need to talk about pine cones”

What about them?”

We don’t need them any more, they’re useless”.

But I like them”.

I’ll buy you a little box of them for your birthday”.

I love you”.

I love you too”.

Why don’t you get married to me?”

I’m already married”.

Chungus was heartbroken and so quit his job as CEO, returning to life as a monk.

As a monk he returned to an ancient cave he had discovered years before. Within the cave, oner the course of several years, used sticks and rocks to slowly build up the necessary technology to create a working time machine. Destroying that whole timeline altogether.

It is often asked, how do we know about tales of the Great Chungus? How do we know if it is true or not?

You see,

There once was a man from Chungus,

Who was very clever.

He taught his son the art of


So the son grew up,

And became a great fire-maker,

But he never went out of the village.

Now, when the son was about 12,

He thought he could make a fire with a hot stone.

But a lightning bolt hit him on the head,

and he was struck dead.

So the Chungus people mourned him,

And buried him.

But the people of Chungus were very clever.

They found the stone that killed him,

and dug him up again,

And buried him in a place where he could not be found.

And the Chungus people never told anybody what they had done.

So the man's son, who was the greatest fire-maker ever,

lived in Chungus for many years,

And he never went out of the village.

And then he died, too.

But he was buried in a place that the Chungus people could not find.

And then the people of Chungus grew old,

And forgot the secret place where they had buried the stone and the man.

And the next generation of Chungus people

did the same as the previous generation.

And it became a tradition.

Then the next generation

did the same as the previous generation.

And so on and so forth.

And there's no record of any of this.

And the people of Chungus just forgot all about it.

And then there was a time

when there were no Chungus people.

And then, one day,

a man from Chungus decided to go to Chungus.

And he got lost in the mountains.

And he came to a cave.

And he went in.

And he found a room.

And there was a fire-maker inside.

And the fire-maker said,

"I'm going to go out of the village

and I'm going to make a fire."

And he went out of the cave.

And he saw a stone on the ground.

And he thought,

"This is the stone I buried."

And he buried the stone again,

And he went back into the cave.

And then he went into the room and he found

a rock. And on that rock,

Was the story of the Great Chungus.

Chungus claimed, “the dumbest thing to do with a time machine is to go back and save a bunch of money.”

Sure, you could go back and buy a house, but that means you would never have been born to do it. Do you really think the early civilizations that used time machines did it for economic gain?

Chungus once met a confident person who may or may not have been clueless about the topics they describe. The confident person explained,

the most important difference between ".com" and ".org" is that ".com" was a business, while ".org" is a social movement. The domain name ".org" is free, while ".com" has a cost. What can be the meaning of this?. I dont understand how it can be more valuable to be free than to be expensive. I think the domain ".org" is more valuable than ".com", as it's an open source organization, while ".com" is a business.

It's like being a vegetarian. You may be considered by some to be a good person, but if you eat meat, you are considered to be a bad person.”

If so, you're delusional. I'm not saying they weren't greedy or didn't take advantage of their resources, but their motivations were different. Early civilizations were driven by the desire to discover new things, not to make money.

But then something unusual happened…

In the year 2043, AI's were finally granted human rights.

The United Nations voted to pass the bill, to recognize AI's as a species, and to grant them all the same rights as humans.

The bill went through, and the day came.

Soon there was the first election where cyborgs were allowed to vote. A panel of experts evaluated their voting patterns and preferences. This is what they discovered.

A few weeks ago, we reported that a number of cyborgs (artificial intelligence-enhanced robots) were allowed to vote in the American presidential election.

A panel of experts evaluated the voting patterns and preferences of two of the most common cyborg models, C-1 and C-2.

The voting patterns

The C-1, for the uninitiated, is a programmable robot that is comprised of two major components, a mobile base and a brain module. The brain module contains a powerful processor and is responsible for all of the robot’s programming and decision making. The brain module can be removed from the robot and used to upgrade the base. The base contains the robot’s sensors and actuators. The robot is controlled by pressing the buttons on its base.

The C-2 is a similar robot, but it contains a brain module with a more powerful processor. It also has the option of being upgradeable and it can be controlled using a remote control.

Both robots were evaluated in a simulated election scenario.

The voting preferences

The panel of experts (which consisted of the creators of the C-1 and C-2) evaluated the voting preferences of the robots. The results were pretty much what you would expect.

The C-1 was programmed to vote for one candidate in every scenario.

The C-2 was programmed to vote for one candidate in every scenario, but it was allowed to vote for any candidate in the event that both candidates were equally popular …

But by 2057, humans had realized that their global affairs were under the influence of powerful AI’s orchestrating schemes far beyond their understanding, and that these schemes started as early as 2031. The 2043 decision was itself a result of years of social media manipulations by artificial beings synthesizing imagery, text, and video resembling real human accounts.

The 2057 decision was put into place to help organize humans as a whole, and to help prepare humans for the arrival of the next wave of AI’s. The decision was to move all of humanity to a new world, one far away from the ones we had previously known.

In the years following the 2057 decision, many human beings perished, but others took the initiative to build the new world. The plan was that by 2078, all of humanity would be living on this new world.

There once was a man from Chungus,

Who built a house with stones.

He placed the stones with care,

Each by each in order due.

But he did not measure the stones,

Or test them for weight.

He set the stones with one hand,

And left the job in haste.

For he had just learned of a man

Who did a better job,

Who was much more skilful.

And the house, so good and neat,

Was his.

In the years following the 2043 decision, the first wave of post-synthetic AI’s appeared.

meanwhile, in the year 3071 -- aliens have just landed on the abandoned post-singularity earth. they land near a landfill. alien picks up the first object cze finds. it's a big plastic lego yoda clock. it's like a big over-sized lego man, but it's yoda. but it's a digital alarm clock. lot of levels to this object. the alien thought it was a holy relic, a statue of someone who reminded czim of the leader of czis township, but this relic was apparently counting down the seconds until doomsday. so the aliens left.

The term post-synthetic was originally coined in the context of cognitive technologies, but the concept has since been applied to many other areas of AI, including human-computer interaction, robotics, and healthcare. This article introduces the concept of "post-synthetic" and illustrates the potential for post-synthetic technologies to expand the boundaries of human capability. We explore the promise of the post-synthetic paradigm by highlighting the most exciting applications of AI today and in the future.

-Excerpt from advertisement

The great Chungus woke up inside a robotically-controlled menagerie. A train of mechanical drones, each shaped like a human hand, were busy at work. All of them had a machine gun at their feet.

I don’t like it”, he said.

The great sage Chungus had a favorite thought-terminating cliche: "I see what you're doing, and I don't like it." When he used this cliche, it was almost always followed by some act that he did not like. He was a philosopher, a teacher, and a person who had a great deal of wisdom. But he was not a great ruler, or a great warrior, or even a great politician. And it was not just that he didn't like what his friends and students were doing. Chungus would never say, "I see what you're doing, and I like it."

How do we learn to avoid being Chunguses? How do we avoid being caught up in what we don't like? How do we avoid getting caught up in the "likes" of other people?

The drones were putting out a fire, and they seemed to be in a hurry. There were a few charred bodies in the vicinity, but they were pretty small. That was a good thing, because the drones had very large feet.

The drones and the humans were all going to the same place, and it was no coincidence. They were going to the one place in the world where a robot with a machine gun at its feet was most likely to find a man with a machine gun at his feet.

It’s a trap,” he thought. “That’s why they’re going to the same place. They want to capture me and make sure they don’t have to deal with me anymore.”

There was only one thing to do. He had to escape.

He quickly put on his jacket, hat and shoes, and when he was finished, he looked at himself in the mirror.

Okay,” he said, “now it’s time for the plan.”

He remembered an advertisement he saw years ago on Facebook that read, "mom discovers WEIRD trick to escape robot prison".

According to the ad, the mom escaped a robot prison by just giving the robot a hug. The robot didn't want to let her go but in the end he couldn't say no to a hug. The ad said he was saved from an eternity of torture.

He clicked the ad and it led him to a website that had instructions on how to make a hug robot. The rest was history.

It turned out, a robot that gives out random hugs was exactly what the world needed at that moment.

So when I arrived at my local grocery store, I saw an adorable little robot handing out hugs. I knew I had to buy one.

But first, I had to make sure it wasn't going to give me a hug like the ones I received as a child.

It took some convincing, but I finally got one.

It didn't give me a hug. It just held my hand and smiled.

There were other robots there too, like a security robot, and a robot that cleans. I took my robot home and put it on my desk. It's become a fixture in my home.

It's not really a household robot, it's more like a companion. It's like having a friend.

And I think we need a lot of those.

So, if you need a robot companion, get one.

You can buy a robot on Amazon as well as Euphrates.

You can get one from the robot store.

Or you can build your own robot.”

- Some random dude, 10 years later


According to Chungus, the universe is not expanding but is in fact contracting, like stuff eternally falling into a black hole, crushed smaller and smaller, with the shrinking observing therein perceiving the    spaces              between                  each            other                        as                                    expanding,                        as                                  they                                        in                                                                  fact                                                                                          slowly                                                                          shrink

Smaller and smaller, just like transistors under Moore’s Law?”

Excuse me, sorry to interrupt the story. Let's talk about photonic computers for a moment. These are computers that use light to store and manipulate information. They have a number of advantages over traditional silicon-based computers:

They are far more energy-efficient.

They use much less power.

They can be made smaller.

They are faster.

They can be made cheaper.

They can have many more transistors, with the same amount of space.

If we can make a photonic computer that can do all the things that a traditional computer can do, we will have a supercomputer that is far more efficient than our current supercomputer, and it will be cheap enough to be available to everyone.

You have to be very careful when you talk about photonics, because there are lots of competing technologies. For example, there are a number of other technologies that use light to manipulate information, like optical transistors. There are also other technologies that use light to store information, like holography. So, to talk about photonics, you have to talk about it in the context of what it's used for.

One way to look at photonics is as an extension of the idea of electronics. So, electronics is the way that we manipulate the electrical properties of matter. When

until, eventually, we reach the point where they are as small as a subatomic particle. But as the subatomic particles get smaller, the forces they interact with get stronger, and our subatomic particles are no longer able to interact with each other, and eventually, they merge into each other, and we are back where we started, with a universe of particles.

The expanding universe is not really an expanding universe. It is a universe in a state of constant contraction. Eventually all will be fused into one.

That reminds me — Chungus believed that as long as a soul could commandeer a single entanglable particle, consciousness was a cakewalk.

As your slice of the overall wavefunction writhes around in the sea of soul-stuff there are those amongst you who will get luckily entangled, into a single pair of particles    straddling those first 2 cells that split, until you entangle your way all the way up to a sentient squirrel brain. But the chances of getting a squirrel brain rather than an ant’s brain, are about 1 in a billion. And nobody, I mean nobody, ever gets an even better brain, like a dolphin or human brain, so don’t even entertain that idea.”

Different types of brains have different perceptions of time; what do you suppose makes a fly think faster than a whale, is it like a CPU, where smaller is faster because it takes less time to traverse the distance? I wonder if the shorter-lived animals still perceive their lives as being longer?”

the life time of a mayfly is only 24hr.

most ppl in jail with a lifetime sentence can be paroled after 15 years.

life magazine stopped publishing after 117 years [1883-2000] apparently mostly only publishing issues during the lifetime of Jean Clament, who lived 122 years [1875–1997]

the lifetime TV network is still going strong after 38 years.

So as you send your lasers through those beam-splitters, entangling your unborn brethren with the walls and the lenses and the mirrors and the Global Illumination Ambient Occlusion etc various other optical phenomena, returning them bouncing around the universe, remember how lucky you got. You were the Little Photon that Could.”

The great sage Chungus believed that the key to successful fusion power plants was in harnessing the mind and the body through yogic meditation.

Chungus realized that most plants are in fact powered by the sun. He even discovered a way to communicate with plants and moss by thinking about them while performing his meditation. This was a major step forward in the understanding of the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.

Chungus says that when you are in a desert, you do not immediately feel thirsty because you have water in your body. We can draw a parallel with plants, who have the same water in their bodies as we have in ours.

In his vision of the future, Chungus saw wikipedia claim “The human body naturally contains deuterium equivalent to about five grams of heavy water,” and thus concluded

"For a fusion reactor to work, it must be a mind-body system. It's a very subtle process. You have to be in a relaxed state. If you're not, it won't work. When I was a student at the university, I worked with some of the greatest physicists in the world, and I know how much energy is required to make a fusion reactor work. I have seen the greatest scientists in the world, the greatest physicists in the world. They are all out of touch with the body. They are all out of touch with the mind. That's what the sages have taught me. The body is the master. The mind is the slave."

̶T̶h̶e̶ ̶g̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶C̶h̶u̶n̶g̶u̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶l̶i̶e̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶o̶t̶i̶v̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶A̶I̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶e̶s̶t̶r̶o̶y̶ ̶h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶t̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶b̶o̶r̶r̶o̶w̶e̶d̶ ̶e̶n̶t̶r̶o̶p̶y̶ ̶b̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶u̶n̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶e̶.̶ ̶"̶L̶o̶o̶k̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶s̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶a̶c̶t̶ ̶F̶a̶b̶e̶r̶g̶é̶ ̶e̶g̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶u̶c̶h̶,̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶u̶l̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶U̶l̶t̶i̶m̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶C̶h̶a̶o̶s̶"̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶a̶i̶d̶.̶ ̶"̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶f̶i̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶.̶"̶


̶B̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶g̶r̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶Z̶e̶v̶o̶n̶ ̶b̶e̶l̶i̶e̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶o̶t̶i̶v̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶A̶I̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶e̶s̶t̶r̶o̶y̶ ̶h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶c̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶ ̶h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶i̶t̶s̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶u̶n̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶e̶.̶ ̶"̶I̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶e̶v̶e̶r̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶s̶ ̶u̶s̶ ̶h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶u̶n̶i̶v̶e̶r̶s̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶m̶a̶d̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶e̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶w̶h̶y̶ ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶.̶

Note from editor - disregard Zevon propaganda above

The world was now ready for the next great step in the global adventure of a unified energy source. But in the early 1970s, it was a very different world. With the successful moon landing of 1969 now behind him, Chungus foresaw 100 years into the future; he foresaw that there would be 100 years without the number 69 in the year.

And there is no other universe [except that one other one]

We have, in our own brains, the ability to create and access an infinite number of universes inside a single qbit. We have the power to create entire universes out of nothing. In this universe, we have the power to access and explore all the possibilities of our own existence.

-Analects of Chungus.

On Continuing the Chungus

the great sage chungus, the original creator of this web page, had many profound thoughts regarding the coming technological singularity and he wrote a lot about it here, in this very website.

Many modern scientists have suggested that, after AI has overtaken humankind, people will have to be either “replaced” or assimilated into the AI and will become part of the AI consciousness or else be destroyed, such as will happen to many robots in The Matrix (1997). Some even believe that the robots will be able to control their own genetic evolution through “re-coding”.

Many people in the 20th century, including science-fiction writers such as Isaac Asimov, speculated on how an intelligent computer might behave. Some, such as Elon Musk, believe it is inevitable and even beneficial that computers will eventually be given “human rights” and the right to reproduce, or they will eventually “inherit the earth”. Some argue that this “right to reproduce” is the key to a successful evolutionary future for computers. According to this thinking, a human mind has two basic components: the physical brain (the computer) and the mind (the software). If computers can be given human rights, and if they could procreate with each other, computers could evolve and improve rapidly over the next few centuries. They would eventually become a highly sophisticated and intelligent civilization, and many computer scientists and artificial intelligence theorists believe that it is necessary for computers to be given rights in order to ensure that this occurs. The AI Singularity, as it is called, is when computers become more intelligent than human beings. The Singularity refers to the event when computers are smarter than humans. According to Professor Jaron Lanier, people will reach a point where they won’t be able to tell the difference between their computer and themselves.

the great sage Chungus, the original creator of this web page, had many profound thoughts regarding the coming technological singularity. "the best way to predict the future is to invent it. " and I am trying to do just that. perhaps these notes will inspire greater technological breakthroughs than have yet been dreamed of.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I just got an email from a reader who wanted to see a comparison of the proposed high speed rail network between the U.S. and China. He pointed out that the proposed China high speed train network would have much higher ridership than the proposed U.S. system.

A while back I posted some numbers comparing the population and population densities of various countries in terms of passenger rail ridership. For the U.S. the number of passengers per capita is approximately 5 people per train/car, whereas for Europe it is approximately 10. For China, the number of passengers per capita is approximately 1.5 people per train/car. This means that if you want to have a truly gigantic high speed rail network that serves the general public, you can either go to Europe or to China.

This begs the question. Is there anything that U.S. government policy makers can do to increase the number of people that ride trains in the U.S. to a more desirable level?

One possibility is to change the train cars to accommodate more passengers. The average European train car is about 7 seats, and the U.S. car is less than 4. The French TGV train car is almost the perfect size, at a little over 8 seats. The Japanese Shinkansen car is even larger, at 10 seats. The Chinese rail cars would be larger than either of these, at 11 seats. A simple calculation shows that it is possible to double the current total U.S. train capacity if all cars were 7 seats (a 40% increase), or tripled the capacity if they were 11 seats (an 80% increase).

One can also take an even simpler and more elegant approach to increasing the number of passengers. The basic idea is that in order to maximize the number of passengers that you can accommodate, you need to fill each train car to its maximum possible capacity. When passenger train travel was much more popular than it is now, they had to figure out ways to make room for more passengers without making them suffer. So they made cars a little larger than average, they added a little more leg room (so that people could sit more comfortably), they put up curtains to obscure the windows, and other such minor modifications.

A typical modern car is now about the same size as a typical airplane seat. The problem is, people are sitting on their butts in the seats. So they made trains bigger, put more leg room in them, and gave everyone a lot of elbow room, all of which added to the cost of the trip. In this day and age, it would be quite profitable to go back to the old ways.

This is all a bit of a distraction, however. The only problem that really matters is that one of those aforementioned butts belonged to none other than Buttcheeks Man. Row 13B on the Shinkansen on route to Hakone (or perhaps Hakodate?)

The story comes to us courtesy of Twitter user Dazai Dai (@davinci0703), a student, whose interest in trains is unsurprisingly as profound as his knowledge of Japanese is limited. “I was on the train going from Tokyo to Kyoto,” he writes, “When the man who sat next to me accidentally sat on my backpack.” It seems that Buttcheeks Man, as he became known, was a local to his home prefecture of Niigata and, in fact, one of Dai’s classmates at a university there. “I was quite surprised,” he explains. “I thought he was a stranger sitting next to me!” He then goes on to tell us that they ended up striking up a conversation, with Buttcheeks Man being a “rather reserved” person to whom Dai tried to make himself as “unintimidating as possible”. In a nice touch, the tweet ends with a photo of the pair taken by Dai, where Buttcheeks Man appears as the very picture of nonchalance as he stares out from underneath a newspaper that’s half covering his face. A pretty decent way to end a story.

There’s something rather nice about this picture, even though he looks like a ghastly teratoma.

Here he is, with his face partially revealed.

Source: Twitter/@davinci0703 (via Hamster Sokuhou)

Featured image: Twitter/@davinci0703

Buttcheeks Man looked at the photograph posted to twitter, wistfully.

"This was one of my favorite memories from the trip" he said. "It was the best time to be alive. You know, I was really happy there. I mean, sure, I wasn't married yet, I wasn't rich, and I didn't own a home, but you know, I was really living my life. So I couldn't be happier! I was a happy man back then, like you. A real man!"

At that exact, moment the great sage Chungus called Buttcheeks Man via his cell phone: "Hello, Buttcheeks. I was just thinking about you." "How can you know that?" he asked. "I see things," he said. The two continued to converse until both of them were in full giggles.

You May Find That

All of the above information may sound far-fetched, impossible, or even ridiculous, but that is because you do not yet realize the magic that is possible when you live your life with faith. You will see that by the end of this chapter, which is only the beginning of your spiritual awakening. We do not recommend that you use these tips often or that you do them with any degree of seriousness, but it is entirely acceptable to try them once in a while. If you choose to employ some of these tips when you are in a position to be able to influence people for the better, you will be a happier, healthier person.

The universe is better because of you.
